Tekenburo Triple-T : LISP Routines

Technisch Tekenburo van Teijlingen

The Total Approach in CAD

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LISP Routines


Please find below a list of LISP routines available for a small consideration. For more information please contact our office.

Available LISP Routines
Routine Description Contsr. Mech. Civil Video
3drec.lsp Creates a rectangle with 3D effect. Two types of rectangle are available, the width can be picked automatically or by user input through a dialog box. X X X watch
a2t.lsp a2t is short for angle-to-text. This command converts an angle dimension into text. Dimensioning of a chord is achieved by using this command. Input from the user is the radius of the chord and the number of decimals. The command calculates the length of the chord from the given radius and in angle of the dimension points. X X X watch
arrow.lsp Generates an arrow derived from an arc. The arc must be drawn prior this command. The user can choose an offset through a dialog box. The arrow command uses six parameters which can be altered by the user. Some predefined parameters can be chosen as well. X X X watch
balloon.lsp Places item numbers in balloons. The size of the balloon and text is related to the system variable DIMSCALE. Colors of the lines, balloons and text are free to change.   X   watch
cl.lsp Draws two centerlines in circles, arcs and polylines with arc segments. The routine checks if a layer exists with linetype 'CENTER'. If not, a new layer is added to the drawing with linetype 'CENTER'. In case multiple layers with linetype 'CENTER' exist, the user can choose one of these layers thru a dialog box.
Multiple objects can be processed in one command. The layer check is done once per command.
X X X watch
dimtext.lsp Checks the drawing for dimensions of which the text is overridden. With the use of a dialog box every overridden dimension can be checked and altered. X X    
dwgno.lsp Command to fill in the attribute for the drawing number on every page of a drawing, works even on layouts which are not active. This command can be customized to user's application. X X X  
folio.lsp Command to fill in the attribute for the folio number on every page of a drawing, works even on layouts which are not active. This command can be customized to user's application. X X X  
grass.lsp Requires input from the user to draw blades of grass (in mm) X   X watch
h2pl.lsp h2pl is short for hatch-to-polyline. Converts an existing hatch to polylines. Useful for defining the boundary of existing hatches. Does not work for spline segments and ellipses. X X X  
hatch_solid.lsp 3D application; hatches all faces of a 3D solid which will be a region after exploding the solid (the solid will remain, but a copy of the solid is exploded). Complex shapes which generate a BODY after explode will not be hatched. X X    
lay_on.lsp Contains a few commands for quick turning layers on and off or to freeze and thaw layers without the layer dialog. X X X watch
levetopo1.lsp Reads 3D coordinates from a spread sheet (needs to be converted to a .prn file first) into the drawing. The format of the spread sheet is mandatory; column 1 sequence number (only digits); column 2 x-coordinate; column 3 y-coordinate; column 4 z-coordinate. If only 2D points are applied put z-coordinates in with value of 0. Don't use a header or clear rows in the spread sheet. The sequence number has no limit, however the point block type B can contain only 4 or 5 digits. User input both through a dilog box and command line possible. X   X  
multi-insert.lsp Inserts a block multiple times in the drawing from a list of points. The points need to be in a .prn file similar to "levetopo1.lsp".     X  
multiview.lsp Generates multiple views from a list of points. The points need to be in a .prn file similar to "levetopo1.lsp". Contains a routine to play back each view resulting in a movie effect.     X  
number.lsp Places a series of numbers in a drawing with fixed distance and direction. The numbers can have a prefix (like "Part-" as in Part-1; Part-2) or a suffix (like " km"). Contains also a routine for circular fill and a routine for series along a polyline. X X X  
opening.lsp Draws a symbol for an opening depending on input of the user (dialog box). X      
plot_spec.lsp Checks the drawing for templates to print. There are two commands; 1 for selecting templates on the current layout tab (the user can select the templates to print himself or select all); the other command lets the user select layout tabs, all templates on the selected layout tab will be printed. The location of the templates in the drawing and the desired direction defines the order of the prints. For layout tabs, the name of the tab defines the order (from A to Z; hint: use leading zeros if tabs are numbered, the number will be treated as text meaning tab 2 will come after 10 to 19 etc.). Depending on possibilities of the used printer different paper sizes and portrait or landscape can be printed in a mix. X X X  
plot_jpeg.lsp Same as plot_spec but for images. X X X  
rb.lsp rb is short for rename block. Renames a selected block by use of a dialog box. X X X  
revision.lsp Command to fill in the attribute for the revsion number on selected page of a drawing, works even on layouts which are not active. This command can be customized to user's application. X X X  
roughen.lsp Command to draw a roughened polyline from an existing (poly)line. Contains also a command to draw a joint line in the same way. X X X  
scales.lsp Inserts the block scale after the user selects the appropriate scaling (dialog box) based on size of the view. In layout tabs a viewport can be selected when in paper space, the block is placed in the paper space. In model space the current viewport is selected and the block is placed in the model. The user can choose from a variety of suffixes. X   X  
slope.lsp Requires four points to draw a linear slope (slopes can be tapered). If continued points 3 and 4 become the new points 1 and 2. Uses DIMSCALE to define the spacing.     X  
slope2.lsp For non-linear slopes (slopes must be parallel). Requires a polyline to be selected. Uses DIMSCALE to define the spacing.     X  
sohaba.lsp sohaba is short for solid hatch back and uses the command "draworder" to put solid hatches and 2D solids to the background. X X X  
stair.lsp Draws 2D or 3D stair in the drawing depending on user input (dialog box). User can also choos between mm and mtr. X      
weldsign.lsp Draws a weldsign in the drawing with the real a-size (in mm). Works for straight angles in ortho mode and for variable angles. Optional is the leader with text.   X    
windowframe.lsp 3D application; draws a windowframe with or without rebates by entering a few parameters. Based on 3D drawings in meters. Each window frame can be applied with up to 5 rows and 5 columns of windows. The size of the rows and columns may vary.
Please note: the frame opening has to be made prior to this command.
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x_list.lsp Generates an information list for used layers/colors/blocks/objects/linetypes and shows this in a dialog box and in the text screen. X X X  
xy.lsp Supplies coordinate information of a selected point (depending on the coordinate system used). Draws a LEADER from the point to a second selected point and an MTEXT with the information. Through a dialog box some parameters can be given.     X  
xy_read.lsp Makes a .txt AND a .prn file of selected points. The files can be used to make a list with coordinates (e.g. with a spread sheet program). The list can be placed as text into the drawing.     X  


For more information please contact our office.
